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  • Mr. Beckwith


Do Now: Daily Edit

Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights is a celebration in the Jewish calender that ocurs ever year in December. Jews in ancient times beleived it was a miracle when a small amount of lamp oil lasted for eight days. Today, many celebrate the eight day of the festival by lighting candels in a special candlestick called a menorah. they all so give gifts and enjoy fryed foods such as jelly-filled doughnuts.

Classwork: Check the Vocabulary unit 4 11-20 sentences

Lightning Round Paragraph 2-3

Newsela article

Homework: None

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3/30/2020 - Week 3

Morning Everyone! I hope you are all well. I miss you all! As usual, if you have any work missing from Week 2, please do it, then email me that you completed it. Also, I'd love to hear how you and you


Welcome to Week 2 of remote instruction! If you are missing any work from Week 1, please go back and complete it. When you do, please email me to make sure I know it was done! I hope you are all well.


Morning all! Time to combine the ideas you have been reading about all week into a piece of writing. Friday:On a separate piece of loose-leaf paper or in the TEAMS assignment titled Online Assignment

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