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Source A

Guiding Questions

What is the evidence?


Directions: Read sources A-C and answer the questions below.


Source A


  1. Where is this source from? Based on this, how much do you trust the source? 

2. What argument does this source make?


3. Describe the evidence used to support the argument.

  1. What are the strengths of the evidence provided? 


  1. What are the weaknesses of the evidence provided? 



  1. Overall, how convincing do you find this evidence? Try to set aside your opinion on Saturday school and just focus on the strength of the evidence.


Source B


  1. Where is this source from? Based on this, how much do you trust the source? 


  1. What argument does this source make? 


  1. Describe the evidence used to support the argument.


  1. What are the strengths of the evidence provided? 


  1. What are the weaknesses of the evidence provided? 



  1. Overall, how convincing do you find this evidence? Try to set aside your opinion on Saturday school and just focus on the strength of the evidence.


Source C


  1. Where is this source from? Based on this, how much do you trust the source? 


  1. What argument does this source make? 


  1. Describe the evidence used to support the argument.


  1. What are the strengths of the evidence provided? 


  1. What are the weaknesses of the evidence provided? 


  1. Overall, how convincing do you find this evidence? Try to set aside your opinion on Saturday school and just focus on the strength of the evidence.

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